Thursday, February 7, 2013



Nationality __________________________________________
Age _______________________________________________
Marital status________________________________________

1. When did you come to Greece?
a) between 2000 and 2006
b) between 2007 and 2012
c) before 2000

2. What was your initial purpose in coming?
a) to stay permanently in the country.
b) to stay temporarily

If you chose b), fill in the gap in the following sentence:
I intended to stay for ………………………………..(length of time)

3. Did you face any difficulties on moving to Greece?
a) YES       b) NO

If you chose a), answer the following sub-questions:

I faced problems concerning:
a) communication with the authorities and services       YES              NO
b) finding accommodation                                              YES              NO
c) finding work                                                                YES              NO
d) communication with neighbours                                 YES              NO
e) communication with local society in general              YES             NO

If you chose even one YES, answer the following question:

4) Did you have help or support in problems you faced?
   a) YES     b) NO

If you chose a), answer the following question:

5. I had help from:
a) Friends or acquaintances of my nationality or other nationalities                             b) the local people

6. How would you describe your quality of life today?
a) poor     b) average    c) good     d) very good

7. Do you have children of school age?
a) YES     b) NO

If you answered YES to this question, answer the following:

8. Did your child/children have problems settling in at school?
a) none    b) a few problems   c) major problems

9. Did your child/children face any problems regarding the behaviour of other pupils at school?
a) none      b) a few      c) a lot

If you chose b) or c), answer the next question.

10. Did your child/children have support?
a) from pupils      b) from teachers

11. How would you describe your relations with the local community?
a) bad      b) tolerable      c) good      d) very good

12. Have you tied to make friends within the local community?
     a) YES        b) NO

If you answered YES to this question, answer the following.

13. Have you made friends within the local community?
a) none      b) very few      c) quite a few      d) lots

14. Do you believe that the local community’s attitude towards foreigners is
a)  narrow-minded and hostile          b) quite open-minded and welcoming                      c) very open-minded and welcoming

15. Regarding your stay in Greece, do you intend

1. If you have secured a job,
a) to stay permanently
b) to stay for a short period (3 – 5 years)
c) to stay for a longer period ( 5 – 10 years)

2. If you do not have a secure job.
a) to stay permanently
b) to stay for a short period (3 – 5 years)
c) to stay for a longer period ( 5 – 10 years)

Thank you for your co-operation.

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